Our Network Is
The Heart of Our Value

Yes, there are a LOT of folks out there just like you, who are challenged every working day with the toughest sell on Planet Earth, Small Businesses. Back in 2017, we sought to bring a handful of those B2SMB Leaders (what’s B2SMB?) together in Chicago in a small conference room. In a couple of months that first Summit’s guest list grew to 350+, and we knew we were on to something. The premise was and still is simple: in a highly fragmented marketplace of SMB “snowflakes,” it’s good to stick together.

Fosters Collaboration to Win

Since 2018, our Members have met to share skills, insights and resources. But since early 2020, more and more have been meeting to form working partnerships. From co-marketing to co-development, from product or service bundling to shared mailing lists, collaboration is King. Now “Partnerships” are showing up in job titles across the entire B2SMB community. In late 2022, we’d seen enough to bring collaboration to the very forefront of what we do. Our Partnership Council is open to all Members. It’s a network within our network that delivers not just frequent networking meet-ups, but nurtures connections that unite against a common challenge – winning, keeping and growing SMB Customers.

PITCH FOR PARTNERSHIPSOur Partnerships Circle Video Directory
Is Our Network’s Virtual Meet & Greet

We’ve brought our live-event “Pitch for Partnerships” feature to a screen near you! Watch & listen as Partnership Leaders from across our network take 3-minutes to introduce themselves, their companies, and their objectives. From strategic alliances to co-marketing campaigns to distribution deals, we’re showcasing the who/what/why of our Members’ collaboration requests. So get into it! We’re now accepting submissions for the Partnerships Circle Video Directory. Here’s your opportunity to showcase what you’re looking for in a Partner, an Ally, a Resource or even a Customer. Submission of your 3-minute “Pitch for Partnerships” video is easy – just click the link below for instructions.

Our Network’s C-Suite

We launched our B2SMBI Leaders’ League early in our history: we recognized the value that our most senior Members could bring to each other, and to the Institute as our de facto Advisory Board. A small circle of executives comes together throughout the year to build collective wisdom, high-level partnerships, and long-lasting relationships. Membership in the Leaders’ League is limited to just 30, and is invitation-only. Our Co-Chairs are elected annually each May. Twice yearly during our two major live events, the Leaders’ League hosts an exclusive VIP dinner, with exclusive Sponsorships offered to any Member in good standing. Most importantly, the Leaders’ League advises on our network’s most important strategies and plans.

24-7 CONNECTIONS JUST FOR USOur Private Slack Channel
Is the Net in Our Network

To facilitate the connectivity so important to our B2SMB network, we’ve launched a Private Slack channel that supports our broad Membership, our Partnerships Circle, and our major events. You’ll find your next partner here, your next mentor here, your next resource here – all united by the “toughest sell on Planet Earth,” America’s Small Business. Channel subscribers can connect directly with other subscribers 24-7, make content contributions, run surveys and polls, introduce products and services and more, all within the “walled” space of our unique community of B2SMB leaders. Enable alerts and you’ll be informed of the latest in Business-to-Small-Business. We hope you join us!
We Are Business-to-Small Business
If your job depends on winning, keeping, and growing SMB customers at scale, we invite you to join thousands of your B2SMB peers who count on the Institute for critical information, actionable insights, and the skills needed to succeed.
Get In Touch
902 South Randall Road Suite 309
St. Charles, IL 60174
Join Our Growing Network
With over 3000 Members and growing, the Institute provides a network of Leaders exclusively focused on our unique $500Bil marketplace, providing opportunities to partner, share, learn, and ultimately help millions of SMBs by helping our Member-brands.

©2018-2023 Synth LLC/ The B2SMB Institute,