If you sell at scale to Small Business, you need to be here. The B2SMBI Leaders’ Forum May 14th & 15th in Sonoma gathers Business-to-Small-Business peer-execs from dozens of major brands to talk shop: the winning, keeping and growing of SMB customers.
How we grow at scale in a transformed SMB marketplace.
If you sell at scale to Small Business, you need to be here. The B2SMBI Leaders’ Forum May 14th & 15th in Sonoma gathers Business-to-Small-Business peer-execs from dozens of major brands to talk shop: the winning, keeping and growing of SMB customers.
Our agenda is full of opportunities to learn from your B2SMB peers:
– Explore and engage effective go-to-market strategies
– Deep-dive into successful GTM playbooks
– Find valuable connections and partnership opportunities
– Harness the immense growth potential AI offers to SMBs and their solution providers
And of course, enjoy the setting, the food and the camaraderie!
Tough to reach, tough to engage and qualify, tough to close and keep – and 19 Million (!) new Entrepreneurs set up shop since 2020! No doubt B2SMB Pros like you are facing a challenging “New Sell.” We gather your Peers to learn from each other what’s working – and what’s not. Join us.
Since 2020, Small businesses have undergone a tsunami of change in the world around them, and like you, they’re trying to keep up with their customers. Think you’re alone? Think you’re the only one trying to get ahead? We got you.
Our own research suggests there are more than 150K pros like you whose job it is to win, keep and grow SMB customers at scale. And you thought you were alone! Our events introduce you to peers eager to share. We got you.
Small businesses come in a vast variety of forms, sizes, and industries. You know snowflakes. Identifying the specific needs of these diverse customers can be complex and requires nuanced market research. We got you.
It’d sure be easier if everyone stayed in their lane, but new rivals are popping up all over, and often an SMB’s “share of wallet” is diverted into wholly new tech or solutions. So what is your competitive landscape? We got you.
A core focus of 2024 rolls to 2025: how does AI impact what and how we sell to SMBs? SMEs, Panels & Workshops.
Leaders want to hear from Leaders. As always, we bring you the most Senior-Execs, and time for Q&A/discussion.
We’re in SMB-media choice overload, so we’re bringing in the SMEs, the pubs, the Agencies and more to sort it.
SMB Influencers – the ones that actually have audiences – would like a word with you. An open-air Revival.
Our roster of Sonoma Presenters are leading the AI2SMB revolution, providing essential insights into the products, services and Go-to-Market strategies and Playbooks that underlie a New Sell to SMBs.
Named one of the Top 21 B2B Influencers in the world, with two $100Mil exits to his name, Sangram Vajre reveals the MOVE framework (Market, Operations, Velocity, Expansion) for transforming your GTM strategy at any stage of your business. He’ll teach us how to align our organizations and drive growth through practical examples that are pitch-perfect for our New Sell B2SMB Marketplace.
“The race to redefine customer experience is accelerating. We’re about to see significant developments across critical layers of infrastructure, application and experience.”
“Our goal is to drive an Agent-first transformation of both Salesforce and of our many SMB customers across the globe, maximizing business value & digital transformation.”
“The temptation to over-describe AI capabilities is counterproductive. I propose a consumer-centric approach, focusing on the benefits rather than technical details.”
We’ll reprise our most popular Leaders’ Forum segment of 2024 – our “Voice of the Customer” panel of local Small Businesses, in partnership with Alignable.
We’ve heard it so many times we’re truly humbled: the B2SMBI Leaders’ Forum is the year’s favorite event for many of our repeat-attendees.
Uniquely focused on B2SMB. Peer-SME Speakers. Future-forward content. Nice people. Casual. Fun. Your perfect fit.
“The keynotes, the panels, the breakouts and the 1:1 discussions at dinner all left us with wheels turning on how we can better help SMBs.”
– Kylie Raven, Google
“I am so incredibly impressed on who you’ve gathered together to talk about how we better support the SMB Community.”
– Eric Day, SVP/GM, DELL
“Everyone I speak with gives your events a “five star” rating – they really are very well done (and productive!)”
– Rich Hargrave,
Sr. Channel Sales Director,
“It was a great event. The bar has been set even higher again.”
– Chris Shank, VP Sales, Verizon Business
“There was this great energy in the room and lots of good opportunities to network.”
– Kelly Thomas Nojaim, VP Partner Development, Microsoft
We like to think the B2SMB Institute is a hub for anyone who cares about Small Business – whether a large-scaled Seller, or a two-man Start-up, or an SMB Advocacy Org or policymaker, or an Influencer or a Media provider, or an Academic or student. If any of those remits describe you, we ARE you.
We’ve been doing this for a spell, and we got some answers for the most FAQs lobbed our way.
We like to call it Cali-Casual but you are as likely to see jackets and stylish outfits as you are polo shirts and sundresses. We do scissor gentlemen’s neck ties so you are forewarned! IT GETS COLD in the morning and at night, so dress in layers and for heaven’s sake bring a sweater/coat if you are naturally cold-blooded. Expect sunshine-soaked highs of 78-82 F and nights 50-55 F.
Expected is such a strong word, but here’s our advice. You are experiencing that rare occasion as a professional when no one is evaluating your performance or clipping your wings for sport. It ain’t often you are amongst peers who genuinely want to give and get help. Bring your curiosity, your candor, your humor and your you.
Let’s start at the fact that you will actually meet people – not just grab an obvious glance at their name-tag on the run. We intentionally keep the attendee list limited, so you can actually make genuine connections with everyone. You are amongst peers from a wide spectrum of brands (see 2024’s event page for clues.) We’re all naturally impressed with the fact that you love this B2SMB space as much as we do, and even more the SMBs that we serve. Lastly, many of our attendees have been here before – some for years – and they know how to welcome you. And if all else fails, submit to Dave’s “grab and deliver” with a “Hey, I gotta introduce you to ______.”
First, try our LinkedIn Company Page, follow and scan our growing community there. Beginning mid-April, we’ll launch registration for our “Meet Your Fellow Forum-Goers” program, where you can choose the attending Brands you’d like to connect with and we’ll make a warm intro via e-mail on your behalf. But like Match.com, this service is opt-in for both parties. As we think everyone would want it. As attendees commit we will update almost daily what new brands are joining us.
No. The Leaders’ Forum is a “sales pitch free” zone. We strongly discourage organizations and individuals whose sole reason for attending is to sell services to our Attendees. And we check all of our attendees ahead of time. While some may feel put off, we started the Institute as an antidote to a typical B2B event, where those being “sold” played duck-and-cover from the Sales folks. We don’t have Sponsors buy time on our stage to say/pitch whatever they want. That said, we do heartily encourage Partnership discoveries and dialogues, and we hope our attendees can and will draw the distinction and respect the no-pressure vibe we work so hard to create.
First let’s talk about food. And wine. Those are events. We’ll be catering morning and noon and end-of-day (reception) on Day 1, morning and noon on Day 2. And karaoke or some such nonsense later on Night 1. Our Leaders’ League hosts an invite only Dinner on our first day as well (RSVPs are sent out about a week before the event.) We will try again to host a golf outing the afternoon of Day 2, so raise your hand if interested early please. Lastly, we purposely time the event for perhaps the most beautiful week in Wine Country. Arrive early, stay the weekend.
You’ll see a list of hotels near the bottom of our event page. So there’s that. We’ll also send you an Attendee kit about 2 weeks before the event that features descriptions of our venue, maps of Sonoma and the wider Bay area, links to all our social platform and our in-event networking app. We have a great on-site and back-at-home team to help you get the most out of your Leaders’ Forum.
Yes – our site will post the slideware presented within a week of the event. Our current plan is to video our keynotes and provide with their permission. If you are looking for a great handheld AI transcription tool, we really like Plaud.
By attending this event, you acknowledge and agree that the host organization, its partners, and affiliates may capture, record, and use photographs, video, or other visual or audio recordings of attendees, including your image, likeness, voice, and/or statements, for promotional, marketing, educational, and other purposes. These materials may be used in various media formats, including but not limited to social media, websites, brochures, advertisements, and other promotional or informational materials, without further notification, consent, or compensation to you. If you have concerns or wish to opt out, please notify the event organizers in advance or upon arrival.
Join the growing audience of B2SMB Professionals listening every week to new episodes of Between2Bs. Added bonus? We release over a dozen new episodes around the Leaders’ Forum, featuring our event Speakers, Panelists and Special Guests, so stay tuned!
After years in Napa, we came over the hill to the perfect vibe for our Leaders’ Forum. Sonoma is calm and cool, fresh and tasty, and so easy to love. Here just a few recommendations for your stay.
550 2nd St W
Sonoma, CA 95476
1325 Broadway at Leveroni & Napa
Sonoma, CA 95476
630 Broadway
Sonoma, CA 95476
100 Boyes Blvd
Sonoma, CA 95476
320 Soscol Ave
Napa, CA 94559
(877) 835-3680
We love connecting with you and answering your questions about our events, our resources and our network. We’ll even chat you up on the Institute itself! If you don’t see your question in the FAQs, you can email us directly and we’ll return the favor within 24 business hours.
902 South Randall Road Suite 309
St. Charles, IL 60174
© Synth LLC/ The B2SMB Institute, b2smbi.com | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Contact Us
© Synth LLC/ The B2SMB Institute, b2smbi.com | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Contact Us